World Nautical Nylon Boat Flags
(102)International boat flags are also known as courtesy flags, The courtesy flag of the visited country replaces the yellow quarantine flag once cleared into port. International boat flags can also be used to display the heritage or nationality of the boat owner. Some international courtesy flags are the civil ensign of the nation, i.e., without the national coat of arms or emblem. Countries that specify the use of a civil ensign for marine use include Andorra, Argentina, Bolivia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Nicaragua, Peru, San Marino, Serbia, Spain and Venezuela. Use of the national flag that includes the emblem or coat of arms can be viewed as either improper protocol, or in some cases, illegal.
Display of Courtesy Flags & Foreign Guest Flags (ref; United States Power Squadron) If your vessel is without a mast, it should display the courtesy flag at the bow, in lieu of a squadron or club burgee, or on a starboard antenna strong enough to support it. If your vessel has one or more masts, display it single-hoisted at the outboard signal halyard of the main starboard spreader. Move any flag normally flown there to the inboard starboard halyard or, if your boat has only one halyard per side, to the port spreader halyard.
The customs observed in various foreign waters differ from one another. It is best to learn the correct procedure for the country you are entering. In some countries it is customary to fly the courtesy flag only after the quarantine flag (the yellow 'Q' flag) and the vessel has been granted pratique by the appropriate authorities.
Do Not fly a foreign courtesy flag after you have returned to U.S. waters. Do Not display a U.S. yacht ensign in foreign waters. When a foreign guest is aboard, the ensign of the guest's country may be displayed from the bow staff or outboard port spreader. Should more than one such guest flag be appropriate, wear them on spreader halyards from port to starboard in the alphabetical order of their countries' names in the English language. /Asset/bahamasredensign.jpg
United States (U.S.) Nylon Boat Flags
(5) USA boat flags are available from 12"x18" through 48"x72" with embroidered or sewn stars and sewn stripes. Printed versions are available from 12"x18" through 24"x36". All are USA made. Flag size on boats is determined by the overall vessel length; or height above the waterline of the tallest mast. The national ensign should be one inch on the fly for each foot of overall length of the vessel, or mast height above the water line for sailboats. A 30 foot long power vessel should fly a national ensign that has a 30 inch fly. All other flags, ensigns or burgees on power boats should be 5/8 inch on the fly for each foot of overall length, or 1/2 inch on the fly for each foot above the waterline of the tallest mast on sailboats. (ref. U.S. Power Squadrons) /Asset/usboatflag.jpg
United States (U.S.) Official Coast Guard Auxiliary Flags
(2) The field of the Auxiliary Ensign is medium blue (Pantone® 280C) with a broad diagonal white slash upon which a matching blue Coast Guard Auxiliary emblem is centered. The white slash is at a 70 degree angle, rising away from the hoist. This flag is offered in two sizes. (ref: U.S. Coast Guard Heraldry) /Asset/coastguardaux.jpg
United States (U.S.) Power Squadron Nylon Flags
(5) U.S. Power Squadron ensign design consists of 13 white stars surrounding a fouled white anchor & rope emblem on a red upper hoist canton, with 13 alternating vertical white and blue stripes in the field. Manufactured under license from the U.S. Power Squadron and for use by members only. It should not be flown simultaneously with the USCG Auxiliary ensign. The preferred location for display is the starboard yardarm or spreader halyard. /Asset/powersquadron.jpg
United States (U.S.) Navy (Union) Jack Nylon Flags
(3) Also used as a maritime flag by the U.S. Coast Guard, NOAA and several other federal agencies. The dimensions of the union jack should be equal to the dimensions of the 50 star union on the national ensign being flown. /Asset/unionjack.jpg
Yacht Ensign Nylon Flags
(7) U.S. yacht ensigns are similar to the U.S. national ensign with the union / canton design consisting of 13 white stars surrounding a white anchor and rope emblem on a blue field, thirteen alternating red and white stripes as with the national ensign. Normally flown on the stern of the boat. Quality USA made nylon, with embroidered or sewn stars and anchor, and sewn stripes and offered in 7 sizes from 12"x18" to 4 x 6 ft. /Asset/usayachtensign.jpg
Yacht Regatta/Race Committee Nylon Flags
(6) Race Committee, Yacht Regatta Flags for the sport of sailboat yacht racing. A dark blue field with an appliqued, centered red rope and anchor yacht insignia, white "R" and "C" letters to either side of the Race Committee insignia. Flags are USA made and available in 5 sizes. /Asset/racecommittee.jpg
Yacht Club Officer Nylon Boat Flags
(7) Yacht Club Officer Boat Flags, 12x18 inch nylon with grommets, USA made. Commodore flags have 13 white stars in a circle around a white anchor and rope emblem on a blue field. Vice Commodore flags have the same 13 white stars and anchor and rope emblem on a red field. Rear Commodore flags have red stars and the emblem on a white field. Past Commodore flags have 3 white stars on the hoist side, with the anchor and rope emblem to the fly. The Fleet Captain flag has the anchor and rope emblem in blue on a white field. The Secretary flag has white crossed quill pens on a blue field. The Treasurer flag has a white acorn on a blue field. All yacht club officer flags are also available as 4x6 inch desktop flags on a 10-inch staff. /Asset/commodore.jpg
Nylon Fish Flags for Boats or Marinas
(14) Fish flags for salt water and freshwater fishermen and sport, party, and charter fishing boats. 12"x18" printed nylon, made in the U.S.A., with canvas heading and brass grommets. Fishing boats often fly flags denoting their catch. They should be flown from the port outrigger or spreader and are flown upside down if the catch was released. Multiple catches can fly multiple flags.The Pacific Albacore flag has a red fish silhouette on white. The Dolphin or Mahi flag, has a black fish on gold. Sailfish is white on Red. Blue fish, King Mackerel, Mako Shark, Marlin, Shark, Swordfish and Tuna fishing flags are all with a blue fish on a white background, Tarpon, Wahoo and White Marlin are all white on blue. Striped Bass is also white on blue. Fresh water bass and trout sport fishermen can claim their stake as the "World's Best" at their sport with their own boat flag. /Asset/albacore.jpg

Fun Fishing Nylon Flags for Boats or Marinas
(4) Fresh water bass and trout sport fishermen flags for boats or marinas. I Love Fishing and I Love Sailing flags. USA made nylon, 12" x 18" size with 2 brass grommets. /Asset/bassfisherman.jpg
Owner Absent Flags for Boats or Marinas
Solid navy blue nylon blank.Owner Absent flag for boats or marinas, USA made nylon, 12"x18" size with 2 brass grommets. /Asset/absent.jpg

Fun Flags for Bars and Parties
It's Happy Hour Somewhere.Happy Hour flag for bars and parties. USA made nylon, 2 grommets /Asset/happyhour.jpg

International Signal Code Nylon Flag Sets
(6)Commercial Signal Code Sets contain 40 pieces including 26 alphabet code flags, 11 numeral and answering pennants and 3 substitute pennants. Signal code flags are available in three mounting styles: ash toggle with distance lines, brass grommets, or brass snaps & rings. All sets include a nylon storage carrying bag.
Signal Code Sizes
Size 0 = Flags, 1' x 1-1/4', Pennants, 2/3' x 2', Substitutes, 2/3' x 1-1/3'
Size 2 = Flags, 1-1/2' x 2', Pennants, 1-1/3' x 3', Substitutes, 1' x 2'
Size 3 = Flags, 2' x 2', Pennants, 1-1/3' x 3', Substitutes, 1-1/3' x 2-2/3'
Size 7 = Flags, 3' x 3', Pennants, 2' x 4-1/2', Substitutes, 2' x 4'
Size 10 = Flags, 4' x 4', Pennants, 2-2/3' x 6', Substitutes, 2-2/3' x 4'
Size 14 = Flags, 4' x 6', Pennants, 2-2/3' x 9', Substitutes, 2-2/3' x 5-1/4. (Snap and ring only).
Mil-Spec Signal Code Sets contain 65 pieces, acrylic coated nylon flags and pennants with distance lines, brass snap and ring.
Size 3 = Flags 5'9" x 5'9", Pennants 4'7" x 9'4". Size 4 = Flags 4'4"x 4'4", Pennants 3'5" x 6'11", Size 6 = Flags 2'11" x 2'11", Pennants 2'0" x 4'3", Size 8 = Flags 1'9" x 1'9", Pennants 1'2" x 2'5"
Signal code meanings and descriptions
A - Alpha Diver below, keep clearB - Bravo Taking on, discharging, or carrying dangerous cargo
C - Charlie "Yes" or "affirmative"
D - Delta Maneuvering with difficulty, keep clear
E - Echo Altering course to starboard
F - Foxtrot Disabled, communicate with me
G - Golf Requiring a pilot
H - Hotel Pilot on board
I - India Altering course to port, Coming alongside (US Navy)
J - Juliet On fire and dangerous cargo, keep clear
K - Kilo Wish to communicate with you
L - Lima Stop your vessel immediately
M - Mike This vessel is stopped (or, doctor on board)
N - November "No" or "negative"
O - Oscar Man overboard
P - Papa All personnel return to ship; about to sail
Q - Quebec Request clearance into port
R - Romeo (no current meaning)
S - Sierra Moving astern
T - Tango Keep clear, engaged in trawling
U - Uniform You are standing into danger
V - Victor Require assistance
W - Whiskey Require medical assistance
X - X-ray Stop and watch for my signals
Y - Yankee Dragging anchor
Z - Zulu Require a tug
0 - numeral zero, three vertical stripes: yellow, red, yellow
1 - numeral one, red circle to the hoist on a white pennant
2 - numeral two, white circle to the hoist on a blue pennant
3 - numeral three, three vertical stripes: red, white, blue
4 - numeral four, white cross on a red field
5 - numeral five, split vertical fields: yellow on the hoist, blue on the fly
6 - numeral six, split horizontal fields black above, white below
7 - numeral seven, split horizontal fields, yellow above, red below
8 - numeral eight, red cross on a white field
9 - numeral nine, 4 fields, white over red hoist side, black over yellow on the fly
Answering Pennant - alternating 3 red, 2 white stripes, Message is understood. Or, numeric decimal point
1st Substitute Repeater Pennant, Substitute for the first flag in this hoist
2nd Substitute Repeater Pennant, Substitute for the second flag in this hoist
3rd Substitute Repeater Pennant, Substitute for the third flag in this hoist /Asset/signalcodeset.jpg

Meal Flags for Boats or Marinas
Solid white nylon blank signals Meal or DinnerMeal flag for boats or marinas, USA made nylon, 12"x18" size with 2 brass grommets. /Asset/meal.jpg

Guest Aboard Flags for Boats or Marinas
Diagonal white stripe from top hoist to bottom fly end on a navy blue field.Guest Aboard flag for boats or marinas, USA made nylon, 12"x18" size with 2 brass grommets. /Asset/guest.jpg

Jolly Roger Nylon Flags for Boats or Marinas
(6) Traditional white on black, skull and crossbones pirate symbol flag. /Asset/jrpennant.jpg
Full Size Nylon Cocktail Flags
(2) A white flag with double martini glasses, available with grommets or banner sleeve style. /Asset/cocktail.jpg
Nylon Quarantine Flags for Boats
(2)International signal letter "Q" flag. On arrival at a foreign port, the owner or captain of a yacht (any size) should report to the authorities. The "Q" flag (plain yellow) should be flown where it can be easily seen: starboard spreader, radio antenna, fishing outrigger, etc.- to indicate that the vessel desires to be boarded by customs and other governmental authorities. When reporting, the crew and guests should remain aboard until permission (pratique) has been granted to land. Once pratique has been granted, the "Q" flag may be lowered, and the courtesy flag of that nation may be hoisted. Quarantine flags are not used for trips between the United States and Canada on the Great Lakes.
Nylon Diver Flags
(3) Diver down or Scuba flag is a red flag with a diagonal white stripe from top hoist to lower fly end, used to mark on the surface where there is a diver below. It is commonly displayed in North America and can also indicate locations where diving services are offered. The blue and white "A" Alpha/Alfa signal code flag is the official international flag indicating "Diver below, keep clear". /Asset/diver.jpg