Embassy Flag, Inc.
254 1st St. East, Building 3 Sonoma, CA 95476 Phone: 800.798.5431 Fax: 707-938-3344 Email:sales@embassyflag.com Website: www.embassyflag.com
Also used as a maritime flag by the U.S. Coast Guard, NOAA and several other federal agencies. The dimensions of the union jack should be equal to the dimensions of the 50 star union on the national ensign being flown.
Unit of Measure
13 Inch (in) Height x 15 Inch (in) Length United States (U.S.) Navy (Union) Jack Nylon Flag
17 Inch (in) Height x 20 Inch (in) Length United States (U.S.) Navy (Union) Jack Nylon Flag
20 Inch (in) Height x 26 Inch (in) Length United States (U.S.) Navy (Union) Jack Nylon Flag